Tuesday, February 21, 2012


                                                  RADHA SOAMI SATSANG, BEAS

The more popular name, Soamiji Maharaj was formerly Swami Shiv Dayal Singh and was somewhat mystic in reality. He believed human soul as Radha and wanted to merge it with Soami, which was the ultimate reality of human existence. As a result, the name, Radha Soamji Maharaj came into being more than normally.
The emphasis was again on vegetarianism and to refrain from alcoholic substances. Soamiji Maharaj never intended to spread his thoughts to the outside world or make disciples to carry forward the legacy. There were no systematic advertisements of any sorts even for his newly formed satsang at Agra. The emphasis was to live a morally dignified life along with two hours of yoga meditation every day. In the middle of 1850, Soamiji Maharaj satsang attracted some handful of followers in Agra. But more importantly his teachings had indirectly attracted many people across the country who chose to be his disciples. But, the man ultimately passed away in 1878, but by this time he already had many thousand followers.
But despite he having a strong group of followers and some worthy disciples, he never appointed any successor. Many of the disciples proclaimed themselves as the successors of this group, which ultimately caused a split.
But contrary to the above story, Jaimal Singh claims that nine months before Swami Ji died, SoamiJi had asked him to go to Punjab for sant mat preachings. Though, no evidence has been established till date that, SoamiJi had really asked him to do this. There are not even any evidences to prove than Swami Ji even met Jaimal ever. Nobody knows if Jaimal was even initiated during Swami Ji’s lifetime. Only three photographs of Jaimal in existence. Soamiji Maharaj had decided Beas, now in Pakistan to be a suitable place for practicing Sabd. So he established a satsan  there. His disciples started gaining tremendous success as well. But even in Beas, Jaimal is not seen on walls, possibly because of the various reasons given here. The group usually interacted with each other in letters and astonishingly, Soamiji never wrote a single letter to Jaimal. And while Jaimal was in the Army, even then he never wrote any single letters to Soamiji is fact which gives hiccups. Jaimal in his whole life visited satsang on thrice is an established fact. Citations from Chachaji’s biography testify that.
Jaimal retired in 1889 from the Army and soon in 1891 started Beas group. There is a gap of 14 years wherein he takes first person charge and therein establish the beas group, which he claims Soamiji had secretly asked him to do so. Some books on Beas say, Jaimal had initiated some 2000 whereas some clain 2343.Jaimal passed away in December 1903.
Whatever be the truth, Soamiji’s tree has spread across the world and his teachings are tremendously successful.